The Soul is not outside of us but exists as part of our bodily system; that it is fully corded or connected to Creator Source and constantly urging us to move in directions that are in accordance with our individualized purpose – whatever that looks like.
Ever wonder why you are different from your siblings, your neighbors, even co-workers? At birth each and every one of us was wired to provide light to the planet in different ways based on both one's material/physical world DNA and Spirit DNA. Dual beings walking in Earth's duality.
Physical DNA is a household buzzword. Everyone gets it. Spirit DNA is the buzzword for this new millennium. Humans are spirit-beings-having-a-human-experience. As such, each human's Spirit DNA is coded to help evolve human consciousness from the duality of division on some level. Ours is to provide new thoughts to help both individual and collective change.
We are all born in Light. Soul Sequencing feels charged to provide alternative ideas in all areas of the human migration into spirit evolution: health, thoughts, feelings, ego and most importantly -- Love.
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