Catherine Wilcox is a self-taught Spirit Advisor, Emotional Intuitive, and Conscious Change Coach in the experience of opening pathways of communication from Soul to the ego, a 21st-century art. She has personally counseled hundreds of people along the path of healing through the process of forgiveness of self and others from the experiences of our past that play over and over again in our lives. It is her belief and experience that until you take the time to interact (guided or otherwise) with the issues that have blocked your peace and happiness, you will be trapped in unproductive and unhappy life experiences.
A natural-born teacher, writing “soul synchronizing” lesson manuals (Sacred Grief and Sacred Prosperity, to name a few) is her lifelong passion. When she is not photographing nature or fishing in the Florida Keys, she enjoys living in a sleepy water community in Michigan where artists of all genres come to relax and rejuvenate in her wise counsel and beautiful gardens.
Our Soul or God self is always creating events and circumstances that gently urge us in the direction of our own Earth Mission, that is to contribute our individualized Soul light to the betterment of the collective.
Catherine's Soul has been urging her to write books since she was in 7th Grade English. However, like most of us had a million reasons to never start. When a second very personal death occurred around her, the early passing of her husband, the grief was so deep -and beautiful - that she wrote Sacred Grief to help others through the process of all types of loss. Her Soul was finally heard. The rest is history.
Because we are all one with the great Whole of which we are spiritual, Catherine feels it is her "part" to help connect our spirit minds to its highest and best use through her writing, photography and whimsical art.
Spirit Advisor, Emotional Intuitive, and Conscious Change Coach
Catherine believes that our Soul is constantly urging us to bring our highest and best self – our spirit self – to every endeavor we attempt. Our spirit self is the "light" part of us that experiences joy, peace, love etc.
Because our reality is a duality here on Earth, we also have a shadow self that is always operating to pull us away from Soul’s guidance and into the duality of the human experience. This polarity is the way of the human being. Catherine’s writing style is that of the conscious change coach. She believes the only way out of the polar “pull” is to consciously be on the path of the spiritual being having a human experience.
Catherine’s books are a combination of scientific evidence and spiritual truth as she believes our lives are merely a microcosm of the macrocosm or, said differently, what the physical planet experiences; hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods, etc., are experienced in human form: war, death, destruction, loss. That being said, her first set of books, the “Sacred” series, was written.
The Sacred Series books are written with the first third of the book describing what the subject (grief, prosperity, relationships, space) is and its purpose in the furtherment of our lives. The middle sections are guided exercises. The last component is affirmations specifically engineered to replace the error thinking duality offers so that we can vibrate more easily with Soul’s guidance and be free of those unpleasant life experiences. If you’re not serious about pursuing your own personal spiritual understanding of life here on Earth, these books are not for you.
Some years ago, Catherine's husband gifted her with a small box of four crystals for Christmas. The gifted crystal box came with a narrative that said this crystal does this, and this crystal does that. Catherine's engineer mind screamed, “Ain’t no way.” The scream was so loud and enticing that the next day she began her crystal research and became totally obsessed with understanding the whys and hows of crystals.
Five and a half years later, the first book, The New Stone Age of her multiple-book Crystal Series, was published. Catherine feels that every step to the writing and publishing of the crystal books seemed to have God’s hand in it. Amazing people appeared to type, provide graphics, market, and manage her and the “book finishing process". Catherine has been referred to as the “go-to guiding light for crystal knowledge”.
Who can know for sure? Catherine will tell you, "This I do know, there are no accidents. It seems like every aspect of my life was preparing me to present crystals as the true energetic force for truth, understanding, and healing of the twenty-first century." Guiding Light? You decide.
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