Sale starting July 4th
The New Stone Age, Crystal Data for the 21st Century contains eleven chapters of information designed to help the novice and intermediate crystologist obtain the secrets to working with crystals.
Crystal healing is the art of bringing the four mind-bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) back into balance. The information is intended to provide information to the self-healer to sedate, ignite or balance the body's own healing abilities.
Sale starting July 4th
The Crystal Apothecary Index provides charts, graphs, and definitions to help guide the user to properly select the best possible crystal for thousands of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual disconnects that are most often the root of dis-ease. Creating crystal scripts can be easy if you know what makes crystals tick! There are seven different aspects to a crystal’s energetic Mineral Color Structure (sacred geometry) Chakra relationship Atomic makeup Planetary Influence Elemental Earth energy Included is a bonus chapter on muscle testing so that you can verify the crystal(s) you are using are exactly what the body intuitively needs. A must for anyone who is looking for an additional healing modality!
Minerals influence the growth and energetic state of every living, organic being on Earth. Crystals are little more than minerals that have taken on solid form due to the influence of heat, time, water, and/or pressure. Whether taken intentionally as a vitamin, pharmaceutical, OR received by the body using Bluetooth technology, every mineral has an active, energetic ingredient that is either exciting, sedating, or balancing the body’s organs, operating systems, cells, tissue, and even DNA. Now, assembled in one place are over 300 crystals and their mineral content. Use The Crystal Mineral Chart as a teaching/learning tool to understand one of the six basic elements to the outworkings of crystals. The Crystal Mineral Chart pairs well with Mineral Speak, the Language of Minerals, where the energy signature of the twenty-two minerals the body requires is explained in plain language.
Sacred geometrical patterns exist everywhere in nature and are said to form the fundamental templates for all life on Earth. Crystals are a three-dimensional expression of the matter they contain— all within the confines of a sacred geometrical pattern. Placing well-intentioned crystals on a thoughtfully selected grid offers opportunities to increase the goals of health, wealth, emotional balance, protection, love, and many other needs that humans have, or to just flush out unwanted energy. The Grid Speak kit contains 7 different geometric grids on clear vellum, an explanation of each grid’s energetic force/purpose, a list of crystals that work best with each grid and instructions in intention, setting to help complete the gridding process. Grid speak is a must have for any serious crystal user.
Life is sustained by the body’s cells communicating with each other using different frequencies of light. Light frequencies express as different colors. Colors contain different wavelengths of pulsating energy that affect our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual mind-bodies. Working with color to enhance the mind-bodies can bring about renewal and life change on many levels. Obtain a palette of your organic wholeness through color awareness. The Color Speak Test Kit is designed to help recolonize, balance, energize, and help release an over or under-abundance of too much or too little of one’s color energy frequency. The Color Speak Test Kit contains eight diagnostic color panels, full instructions for use, and a list of crystals that can be used to balance one’s colors. Everything you need to diagnose and treat color dysfunction is contained in Color Speak. W
Life is sustained by the body’s cells communicating with each other using different frequencies of light. Light frequencies express as different colors. Colors contain different wavelengths of pulsating energy that affect our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual mind-bodies. Working with color to enhance the mind-bodies can bring about renewal and life change on many levels. Obtain a palette of your organic wholeness through color awareness. The Color Speak Test Kit is designed to help recolonize, balance, energize, and help release an over or under-abundance of too much or too little of one’s color energy frequency. The Color Speak Test Kit contains eight diagnostic color panels, full instructions for use, and a list of crystals that can be used to balance one’s colors. Everything you need to diagnose and treat color dysfunction is contained in Color Speak. Whether meditating on a certain color, eating different colored foods, wearing different colored clothes, painting your room a new color, or buying a different colored car, a color change often can activate the mental, emotional, physical, and spirit mind-bodies and reenergize the auric body and thusly the seven operating systems of the body.