From Commercial Real Estate Broker to Conscious Change Coach - writing guides to lead us back to peaceful living and a hope-filled future.
MT CLEMENS, Mich., Nov. 9, 2020 - While so many businesses are closing, Catherine A. Wilcox, expanded one of her companies, Northstar Manuals, LLC, bringing a team of talented graphic artists and copy editors together to assist her in bringing her passion for writing to print. The Coronavirus has had such a detrimental effect on the world. Wilcox’s mission is to encourage positive transformation and healing – one reader at a time.
View Wilcox’s guides here:
Wilcox is a “Conscious Change Coach” and self-taught spiritual advisor who has experience in opening pathways of communication from Soul to the ego, a 21st century art. She has personally counseled hundreds of people along the path of healing. Now, she is putting her words to paper with a passion to help others by sharing her stories of personal experience and insights from years of research, study, and journaling. Wilcox believes that there are many people of all ages dealing with feelings of loss, grief, and despair and, all people can all heal if they choose to take the necessary steps to make a conscious change.
According to the American Psychological Association in their Special Report this year by Rebecca A Clay: “COVID-19 has brought a raft of intense new stressors while removing many of the resources people have traditionally used to cope with stress. Millions of people have lost their jobs; some have lost their homes or businesses. Families cooped up together because of stay-at-home orders are chafing under the stress, which may increase the risk of intimate partner violence and child abuse. Disrupted routines and the potential for contracting a life-threatening disease may be exacerbating preexisting problems such as mental illness or substance use. At the same time, physical distancing is endangering mental health even as it protects physical health.”
Wilcox has developed a marketing arm for her guides and books called Soul Sequencing – her posts have been on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, and Instagram. Her first two books are available through; “God is in the Details” – Little Stories to Nourish your Faith, and the first of her Sacred Series – Guides for Conscious Change, titled “Sacred Grief”. You can also read her “Comments from Catherine” Blog on her website
Jan Gardner
Media and Promotion Director
Northstar Manuals, LLC
Do not become a fallout statistic when you can become a Prosperity Magnet
Cudjoe Key, FL., December 8, 2020 – “Yes! There are things you can change to become a prosperity magnet if you are up to the challenge and want to work at it.” according to Catherine A. Wilcox, “Conscious Change Coach.” Every experience we have is an opportunity for conscious change – the experience of the pandemic is no different.
The pandemic has inundated the world with fear, loss, anxiety, and despair. We can succumb to it or rise above it – the choice is always ours.
The celebrated author, James Allen wrote in his book As a Man Thinketh: “thoughts in mind achieve in kind.” Prosperity is a state of mind. The mind that contains lack thoughts is closed-down to the flow of achievement. Culture, education, self-esteem (both high and low), birth place/birth order all contribute to our prosperity mindedness. Can it really be so simple as to consciously rise above our lack mindedness? “Yes,” says Wilcox. “If one is willing to unmask their fears about prosperity; forgive those they feel have stunted their success and take responsibility for one’s own shortcomings that are blocking their achievements, one’s ‘personalized’ prosperity can be a reality.”
Wilcox has just released her latest book Sacred Prosperity, A Guide to Conscious Change, just in time to help set intentions for the New Year. She wrote this guide to help those who want to accept the challenge of conscious change to receive the rewards prosperity brings. Her guide to change will plant seeds on how to:
· Face your internal blocks, release them, and become a prosperity magnet.
· Bring about conscious change regarding abundance (which is much more than money).
· Discover the power behind receiving the secret to prosperity.
· Overcome fear with new thinking therapies for the 21st Century.
Wilcox has personally counseled hundreds of people along the path of abundance healing. She shares what she has learned from personal experience and insights from years of research, study, and journaling. Sacred Prosperity contains over thirty exercises designed to uncover inner blocks to prosperity to “reprogram” a mind from lack . . . to flow. Every single exercise has been a proven winner in changing lack mindedness – the only block to the experience of true abundance.
View Wilcox’s guides here:
Wilcox’s website features her Blog and posts that have been on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. She has three books available through Amazon; God is in the Details – Little Stories to Nourish your Faith, and the first of her Sacred Series – Guides for Conscious Change titled Sacred Grief, and now, Sacred Prosperity. You can also read her “Comments from Catherine” Blog on her website
Jan Gardner
Media and Promotion Director
Northstar Manuals, LLC
Please explore my Soul Sequence Channel. As a conscious change coach, it is my intention to provide viewers on this channel with regular short messages to help viewers connect with their Soul self… The spiritual self that offers guidance and solutions to everyday life. Since 2020, I have provided one short blog every Thursday that is guaranteed to awaken my readers to a truth that their soul wants them to know but the spirit isn’t quite yet on board with the message.